Monday, March 16, 2009

March 21st Competition Details

Thank you for your support at the dress rehearsal.  It went very smooth!

The Medallion Classic Competition is being held at Salt Lake Community College South Campus (1575 S. State).  You must enter at the South doors off 1700 S. There is another event going on that same day and they will not allow you to enter through any other doors.

Entry fee for adults and children age 6 and above is $6.00.  Children 5 and under are free.

I will meet you and your dancer at the South doors at your call time (1 hour prior to your performance). Don't be late - it's easier to travel to our dressing room as a group so no one gets lost.  I will have the dancers admission tickets.  

No food or drink will be allowed in the dressing rooms, only in the cafeteria.

The approximate time for awards is 9:15 p.m.  If the competition is running ahead of schedule during the day they will begin awards earlier.

I am very excited for our first competition!  Thanks again for all your support!


  1. For the Tuesday 5:30 class do we come at 2:15 or 3:15?

  2. You come at 2:15 - the girls perform at 3:15
