Dance America is at Juan Diego High School 300 E. 11800 S. Admission is $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for ages 5-18, $4.00 for seniors and children 5 and under are free. Again, use of glitter or spray glitter is prohibited. The line-up may change before the competition date so remain flexible. I will post any changes as soon as I get notice of them.
Times listed are ARRIVAL TIMES!! You must arrive PERFORMANCE READY, that means your hair is already done, your make-up has already been applied, your costume is on underneath your dance warm-ups. This is a VERY large competition and will be very crowded. Give yourself extra time to park and check in - DO NOT BE LATE!
April 29th - SOLOISTS
3:15pm - Cierra Perschon
4:15pm - Annabella Oliver
4:45pm - Mackaylee Nelson
4:45pm - Clara Arnold
-Awards in the gym from 7:05pm-7:25pm
8:15pm - Mickenzie Black (Stage)
9:15pm - Kenadee Morrell
9:15pm - Cicily Perschon (Stage)
-Awards in the gym from 10:25pm-11:25pm
April 30th - TEAMS
7:15am - CHA CHA
12:50pm - BREATHE
- Awards in the gym from 3:45pm-4:25pm
4:15pm - JUKE BOX BABY
-Awards in the gym from 10:00pm-11:00pm